Solving Toddler Sleep Struggles
Has your toddler’s bedtime become a battlefield? Have they started waking again at night? Are you wondering if you’ll ever get a good night’s sleep again?! Let’s solve some common toddler sleep struggles.
Send help! My baby only wants to nap ON me.
Does your little one only want to nap ON you? Are they waking every time you put them in their crib? Here are my tips to ensure the best chance of a successful cot nap!
Will I ever sleep again if I don’t sleep train?
Hate the idea of sleep training, but worried you’ll never sleep again if you don’t? Read on!
Holistic Sleep Support vs Sleep Training: whats the difference?!
If your baby or toddler is waking frequently through the night, resisting bedtime, or waking at 4 a.m., you might assume your choices are either sleep training or waiting it out. However, there are more gentle, responsive options—ones that don’t require leaving your baby to cry.
Understanding Newborn Sleep: What to Expect in the first 6 Months
Learn what biologically normal baby sleep looks like in the first 6 months of life, and how you can support your baby (and yourself!) through this time.
Surviving Sleep Regressions - Without Sleep Training
There is a whole lot of scaremongering online about sleep 'regressions'. But rather than something to fear, they are actually a sign that some wonderful things are happening in your little one's world! Here's what they are and how to get through them.
I Think I’m Ready to Night Wean, But am Not Sure How to Do It!
If you’re reading this bleary-eyed at 3 am with a toddler attached to your hip (or chest) feeling ready to make a change, you’re in the right place! Let’s talk about night weaning and how and when to do it, (hopefully without losing too much sleep.)
Help! My 2 year old’s bedtime is taking forever & I’m losing my mind (as well as my evening)
Evidence based tips and practical advice for reducing the amount of time (and stress!) it's taking for your toddler to get to sleep in the evenings.